I really didn’t want to get out of bed today. My lower back is hurting me more than it has before since getting pregnant right down by the base of my spine and usually it goes away after some stretching and a good night sleep; which is not the case today. My sinuses are going into over drive which marks the start of allergy season for me and I can’t take anything since and I preggers and once baby is here I still won’t be able to take anything as I will be breastfeeding. Gah! I only got out of bed to go into the steaming bathroom to get some kinda of relief, which wasn’t much. After the hot water replenishes its self I shall deplete it again to have a hot bath to sooth my back. Then I thinks me going back to bed.

Where have I been??

Scott and I spontaneously decided to make a spare of the moment road trip up to Calgary to see his parents. (Who I shall refer to as in-laws even though were not married.) I am no hurry to make that drive again anytime soon. We drove straight to Calgary in one day and back in one day from Victoria. Not fun, especially when I’m 5 weeks to due date, and the baby has dropped and/or gotten bigger because my lap now has a constant companion when I sit. The trip was fun albeit brief I got to see my best friend who moved up there recently and another friend that lives there so it made the drive all the more worth it; but my back will tell you differently. I would love to tell you more, but my usually sore back is quite sated after a wonderful massage; a state in which it would love to stay for as long as possible.  

Another Post

It’s probably time for another update. I can’t believe March will here tomorrow! And I can’t believe that I have only 6 short weeks to go until my due date! Where has the time gone?? I think I have most everything I need for this baby. There are a few things I still would like:

-a  used bassinet as the baby won’t be in it all that long (if worse comes to worse I’ll just use the Pak ‘N Play)

– More crib sheets [as cheap Circo ones I bought at Target do not fit the crib mattress, (which is a standard size crib mattress) I have come to love Target especially since we don’t have them in Canada, but I am not so sure on this Circo brand]

– accessories for the nursery

– more diapers

– breast pump

– bottles (not sure what kind to go with so far I am doing glass as all the stories I am hearing about chemicals leaking into the milk)

– more receiving blankets

I am sure there is more but that’s all I can think of at the moment.

There is an Alan Jackson concert I want to go to on May 2 in Vancouver but I don’t know how feasible it is seeing that I will have a baby that will be between a week and month old, how sleep deprived I will and how I feel about leaving it that young. It wouldn’t be a big deal to leave it with my dad for a few hours but I don’t know… probably will not happen. 

Well I must start some daily tasks and like any true Canadian I am thankful to have some Tim Horton’s in me to perk me up. Thank God Roll up the rim is back! I am already 1 for 2.

Yesterday Scott and I went to out 33 week ultrasound and this kid that is residing in my body is estimated to be 4 lbs 11 oz! That seems to be a little on the big side and is making wonder how big s/he will be when it is time for me to bring him or her into this world. I know this baby has a lot more growing to do and I hope I am up for the task. I do not want a c-section. I have only gained 21 lbs too! I know this is an estimate, and not too far off the this chart however it just seems big to me. I hope that this baby is just long and not round. Scott is tall and was 21 or 22 inches when he was born so I am hoping this baby is just taking after his or her daddy.

I am starting to get stretch marks, which I had been hoping to avoid. I do put a coco butter cream on my tummy 2X a day but I guess I just don’t have elastic skin. There is one product that I wanted to buy on-line that another blogger recommended but amazon.com doesn’t ship this type of product to Canada! WTF? Nor is it on amazon.ca and the manufacturer doesn’t ship to Canada either. Mama Mio is certainly losing a lot of business.

A good way to piss off a pregnant woman:

Is when her partner/husband/fiance/boyfriend/ turns down the water heater without telling her (Again!) so that there isn’t enough hot water for a hot bath which means a luke warm bath (only to be discovered when getting into the bath, which started off hot when she ran the bath to being with) equals one pissed off mama who is very uncomfortable with constant back pain and is limping due to a painful charlie horse in her calf for the last 2 days. Not to mention the sleep deprivation and and belly ache due to constipation. That is one sure way to do it. Which renders her unable to relax thus pissing her off even further in the midst of her discomfort.

Pie! It’s whats for Breakfast! … And random ramblings


Now who wouldn’t want to eat this every day for breakfast? I know I certainly do! In fact I couldn’t just have apple pie on its own, it had to be A-la-mode too. (Give me some credit it was with Light Vanilla containing a 1/3 less calories than your other leading brand of ice cream!) But then that would mean that I would have to make this wonderful creation 3X a week or more and that takes more effort than I am willing to put in. I made Scott an apple pie for Valentines Day which happens to be one of his favorites deserts but requires a lot of effort so I don’t make it that often. I don’t mind it either but I hate the prep work of pealing, coring and cutting the apples. I just couldn’t help myself to a piece for breakfast the other day.

As of today, I am 32 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Time is sure going by fast. The baby is between 3.75 and 4 lbs according to some websites I have read. Which is hard to believe. So far I have gained roughly 20 lbs. I am almost at the home stretch now. I am trying to eat more healthily, easier said than done considering the title of this post. I don’t want to gain a butt load of weight in the last 2 months… (I am thinking I will most likely be going over my due date considering the average woman pregnant with her 1st child will go over by 7-10 days.)

Since yesterday I have been hungry all the time! I dont’ know what it is, maybe it’s because I woke up earlier than usual and started my day earlier and had a lighter breakfast. I only had half a bowl of cereal as I ran out of Bran Flakes and a cup of yogurt. I hope the baby hasn’t dropped yet it seems like it could be a little early for this yet, would explain my increased appetite. I went shopping for a few items at Safeway, I came home with Bran Flakes, prunes, prune juice (sick, I prefer prunes) strawberries and bananas.  Needless to say I have been constipated which I am trying to cure/prevent. The joys of pregnancy! At least I haven’t gotten hemorrhoids…. yet. Now that I have written this I have surely jinxed myself and sometime in the near future a post titled “Heartburn and Hemorrhoids” will ensue. My biggest complaints and discomforts of pregnancy so far are:

-Waking up every morning congested

– the almost never ending heartburn

– the back pain

– being emotionally unstable

This is all I can think about at the moment my congested head will not allow me to think. I think I am going to go ward it off by a steaming shower and try to do something outdoors as we seem to be having a sunny day in February here on the Wet Coast.

Pregnancy Myths and Old Wives Tales

It’s time to delurk on my blog so I have a question for you all. I am sure you have all heard a few myths and old wives tales when it comes to pregnancy and I am curious as to what you have heard? Leave me a comment to share yours. Here are a few that I have heard:

 – If your carrying low it’s a girl; high it’s a boy

– If you experience heartburn your baby will come out with full head of hair

– A few people have said if you gain weight in the butt/thigh area your having a boy (news to me)

– If the heartbeat is higher it’s a girl; lower it’s a boy (anything over 140 BPM according to one website I saw it’s a girl; lower than 140 BPM it’s a boy)

– This one I think is absurd. If you can eat broccoli no problem it’s a boy (my sister’s friend told me this as I was chowing down on veggies and dip. She said I was having a boy, because if I was having a girl there would be no way I could eat broccoli like that. (I am not sure if the fact that it was raw a had anything to do with it or not… but I think it’s a very strange myth to say the least)

So what have you heard? I am curious to know…

Wordless Wednesday


Peanut at 28 weeks and 6 days.

Saturday Night

It’s 10:30 on Saturday night and I am sitting at home alone. I had better get used to this. I originally started this blog out of loneliness and boredom as my man is in the navy and sailed a lot, I had just moved to be with him and knew nobody. It is almost the same now. I had one good friend who happened to be the girlfriend of of one of Scott’s friends and he got posted on the other side of the country. Bye-bye friend. My fiance will now be know as Scott. It makes things a lot easier. I sort of made became friends with a girl from work but I am not sure where that’s going. Is not that I don’t have friends they just all happen to live on the mainland where I hail from. It only happens to be a 95 min ferry ride away so I go home more often than not on the weekends (or I did) now it is becoming more annoying to travel being pregnant. Or people will come and visit me. I am trying to stay home more to plant some roots which never seems to happen. I haven’t plugged into an activity or group and I have been here 10 months. There are a lot of navy wives around here once the weather is nicer hopefully I will meet some. Their is a couple next door about our age with an infant so we will see if anything will happen with that. It seems that I just got back from being away and now they are.

As of late things on my mind are:

-Getting this place organized

– Painting the nursery

– Ordering the nursery furniture

We found out today that painting the nursery will be a lot more painful than originally thought. As we have some sort of oil based paint that is shiny we have to take sand paper to the wall to scuff it up, use an oil type primer (which apparently stinks like crap) and apply 2 coats of paint. I have never really decorated a room so it will be a fun little project. When else will I get to take sand paper to a wall?

As for baby furniture I am undecided at this point as to what I really want. I have always thought natural was the way to go, but this antique black crib is really posh… But the price isn’t. I will probably go for something more like this but I will order it from Wal-Mart where to price is about $130 cheaper than Sears for the exact same thing. They just do not have the selection that Sears does or Wal-Mart in the U.S. I am tempted to order my crib from walmart.com and pick it up across the border, but that isn’t as feasible then I will have to pay duty on top of it. The prices are so much cheaper though. I bought the baby bedding set down there and it was so much more cheaper especially with the Canadian dollar doing as well as it has.

Well I am going to get going and do something useful like organize my toiletries in the bedroom and have a hot bath as my back is aching. The joys of being pregnant. So far as a housewife, I suck.

The Test

I was reading this blog and a really good question was posed. How did you find out you were pregnant? I thought it made for a good post rather than a comment. My boyfriend then, now fiance and I were trying to get pregnant and it was a little overwhelming as how fast it actually happened. I went off of the pill in the beginning of June and we half heartedly tried. He is in the navy and was sailing, in on the weekends so it really he was only around for one of my fertile days. It didnt’t happen that month and albeit I was disappointed I was slightly relieved I thought it would take anywhere from 6 months to a year. It didn’t stop me from taking a pregnancy test as my period was a few days late but I felt just like I  normally do when I get my period so I knew I wasn’t pregnant. In the next month we thought maybe we would consider alternate methods of birth control as we thought maybe we should wait as we were kind of a little freaked out out the thought of parenthood. I looked on the calender I knew the week to avoid relations to getting pregnant but who knew that my sex drive would in overdrive after being on the pill for 8 1/2 years. Needless to say we didn’t avoid relations that week and I am currently 27 weeks pregnant.

I think my breasts started hurting right away but I figured it was just PMS as I usually get that before my period. I was also very tired but we were on vacation 4 times zones away in a place that is more hot and humid than I am used to so I figured that was why I was tired. My period was 3 days late and I thought nothing of it as it was the month before. We flew home on a Sunday evening and before we left Nova Scotia I thought of getting a pregnancy test but I didn’t as I really didn’t think I was so I didn’t. When we got home our friends picked us up and my friend T and I went out  as a farewell for her as her and boyfriend moved clear across the country. (This happens when you make friends with people int he military, their wives, girlfriends etc.) So the Monday morning after (A holiday) I think it was day 36 I decided I should take a test as my period was quite late expecting it to be negative. So many times I have taken tests over the years, thinking I was pregnant or to be sure I wasn’t I honestly thought this wouldn’t be any different. (As my boyfriend would often be out at sea I wasn’t always diligent with taking my pill as the risk wasn’t there if he wasn’t.) So I drove to the drug store in my jet lagged state looking at the name-brand test versus the generic brand figured I should save myself $10 and went for the generic brand drove home and waited a few hours to take it as my urine was very diluted from the copious amounts of water I had drank that morning.

So I did my usual, peed in a cup and inserted test into the cup of urine and started to count to 20 as the generic brands like you to leave the test immersed in urine for 20 seconds versus 5 seconds vs. the brand names. By the time I was at 13 seconds the little blue “+” sign (can be viewed here pee-test.jpg) was there and I was calling my boyfriend in a shaky voice and he knew by my tone of voice that it was it positive. We were both in shock that it happened so soon I kept saying “Holy S***” in disbelief over and over again. He said he felt nauseous and needed to lie down. And that’s how it happened. I left the stick on the bathroom counter and went back to look at it throughout the day to stare at the little “+” sign as a reminder and to get used the idea of being mother. Now I have 13 weeks or so to go give or take. Which is still hard to believe and there is much to be done. Which will in the next few weeks.

I am back from my visit to my sisters happy to not have to be on a Greyhound bus for that long in the near future. I can now start my new role in life as a housewife. More on that later.

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